Check out my new teaser!
[vimeo clip_id="36245931" width="640" height="360"]Three days to go till my first official presentation. Hoping to see you there : )
Check out my new teaser!
[vimeo clip_id="36245931" width="640" height="360"]Three days to go till my first official presentation. Hoping to see you there : )
I finally finished my clip for Marc Renton’s awesome Drum & Bass Remix of CoLD SToRAGE’s Tune Transvaal. You are welcome to share the clip with your friends.
Continue reading Music clip: CoLD SToRAGE – Transvaal (Marc Renton & Protone wipEout VIP Remix)
This exhibit could be seen at the IAA 2009 in Frankfurt. As an intern at icon incar in Ingolstadt, I developed the animations that explain several Car 2 X Communciation use cases to the visitors.
Continue reading Car 2 X Communication: IAA 2009 – Audi Messestand
This was an exercise to where we should try to get a feeling for the rhythm of the music and we had to find the right pictures to underline the music in order to learn the basics of NLE programs like Premiere or Final Cut. Our teacher gave us uncut movie clips of boring dancers that we could cut to a movie clip, but I decided to make my own raw material. I modelled the 3D stuff in Cinema4D, composed and arranged everything in Final Cut and added some effects with After Effects. The humans are taken from Disney’s Tron. Continue reading Music clip: Bobby Peru – Erotic Discourse (Audiojack Remix)